
  • Gynaecological check-up (annual check-up)
  • Contraception, family planning
  • Assessment and treatment of bladder problems and urinary incontinence
  • Counselling and treatment for menopausal symptoms
  • Clarification and treatment for unfulfilled desire to have children
  • Clarification and treatment of hormonal disorders
  • Follow-up examinations after cancer therapy
  • Clarification of breast complaints (ultrasound, biopsy)
  • Care for unwanted pregnancies, TOP
  • Clarification and treatment of lower abdominal pain, endometriosis
  • Vaccination counselling and vaccinations
  • Hormone analyses
  • bio identical hormon replacement therapy (in menopause)
  • Iron infusions for iron deficiency


  • Pre-pregnancy counselling
  • Care during pregnancy
  • Discussion of prenatal diagnostics
  • Ultrasound examinations during pregnancy
  • Care during labour and postpartum
  • Planned caesarean section
  • 3D and 4D ultrasound examinations
  • Care of high-risk pregnancies (e.g. twins, gestational diabetes)


All common gynaecological operations:
  • minimal invasive abdominal surgery (laparoscopy)
  • (open) abdominal operations
  • vanginal operations
  • Breast operations (benign and malignant)
  • Intimate surgery (labiaplasty)
I will perform operations, births and caesarean sections as an attending physician at the Hirslanden Clinic and Bethanien Clinic.