General information on data protection

By using this website you agree to the following conditions. This privacy statement applies to the website. We cannot guarantee that third-party websites to which this website has a link adhere to the data protection regulations. Below we would like to give you an overview of where data is collected and how it is handled.

Collection, purpose, storage and deletion of personal data

Personal data and its collection

By using this website you agree to the following conditions. We cannot guarantee compliance with the data protection regulations of third-party websites to which this website has a link. Below we would like to give you an overview of where data is collected and how it is handled.

Purpose of data processing

Data processing serves various purposes. We generally use the data in the context of customer contact and order fulfillment. Providing our offer and services online and improving them. Data is also used in the context of our marketing.

For certain data processing processes that support the purposes already mentioned, we use the services of selected third parties (people or companies). It may also happen that these are located in countries outside Switzerland or the EU. We ensure that the data protection requirements are met. In exceptional cases, data may be passed on to third parties if this is necessary to pursue our claims or if there is a legal obligation.

The data collected will either be deleted for a specific purpose or stored until revoked, unless they are subject to a retention obligation. Details on the deletion request and storage can be found under the respective points. Please feel free to contact for information and deletion requests.

Cookies in general

This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored permanently or temporarily on your computer when you visit this website. The purpose of cookies is in particular to analyze the use of this website for statistical evaluation and for continuous improvement. But this also includes optimizing the user experience and third-party cookies from third-party providers such as Google Analytics.You can deactivate cookies in full or in part at any time in your browser settings. If cookies are deactivated, not all functions of this website may be available to you.For more information on the individual cookies, see the paragraphs on Google services and social media channels, etc.


This contact information is stored for internal purposes (e.g. evaluation, tracking) and possible further contact (for further customer support, follow-up, etc.). For internal purposes, this data is therefore stored even after the collaboration has ended. Please do not pass on any information that you do not want us to receive. Therefore, do not send us any sensitive data or contact us by phone +41 44 251 55 32. If you would like certain information to be deleted, please contact us directly via Your data can be stored in various places, e.g.: in the email program, on the website, in the backup, in our ERP program, your own server or that of our host Metanet.

Contact form & email

All information that you send to us via the contact form or by email will be processed as described above. The stored data includes your email address, all information from the emails and your IP address.

Webflow Services

This website was created using the Webflow website builder. Using Webflow sites also collects and gathers data from end users. In particular, information about your activities and interaction on this Webflow site, such as IP address(es), device and browser, the last website visited before visiting this site, which pages you visit and for how long, and other identifiers of your devices. If you give us permission through your device settings, Webflow may also collect mobile location information.

Google Services

This website uses various services from Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Below is an overview of the most important pages regarding data protection for Google products:

General information on data protection: Data Policy at Google
Tipps zu den einzelnen Produkten:
Use of Cookies at Google:
Privacy and Advertising-Tools at Google:
Advertising settings:
YouTube Terms of Service:
Please also check the Data Policy of your own Google Account – Here you have the opportunity to instruct Google exactly which data it is allowed to collect as soon as you are logged in with your Google account.

Google Analytics

IP masking / anonymization

This website uses Google Analytics. Google Analytics uses cookies. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity for website operators and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required by law, or if third parties process the data on Google's behalf. Google will never associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above (Google Analytics Terms). Any personal data will be deleted or anonymized after 14 months. You can find various information about Google's privacy policy at the following link.

We as website operators have also arranged for your IP to be anonymized. Thanks to IP masking, your IP address is changed so that no conclusions can be drawn about you personally. This also means that all other data such as location, etc. can be recorded so that they cannot be linked to you as a person without an IP address. We use the aggregated, anonymized data from Google Analytics, for example, to improve website performance or to evaluate our marketing activities.

Data distribution by Google

Preventing tracking by Google Analytics

If you do not want to be tracked on this or other websites via Google Analytics, you can opt out at Download an addon for various browsers.For more information on how to use this addon, see

Google AdWords

As part of our marketing activities, we use Google AdWords to show Internet visitors ads in various places on the web and in various formats. In principle, we do not process any personal data in this process; details can be found in the information on advertising on Google. However, cookies are set for various functions on our or third-party websites and used to better display advertising material (see below).

Google Fonts

The website uses Google Fonts. In order to be able to integrate the fonts used, a connection is established with the Google server when the website is accessed, which returns the correct font. Through the connection, Google can retrieve and process certain data. Information about this can be found on the following pages:
Data Policy:
Terms of use: out:

Nowadays, social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Co. are important in areas such as marketing & analysis, customer acquisition, customer care and service. We therefore also rely on the offerings of some social networks. With every interaction (see details below) with the social channels, the data protection regulations of the respective operators must be taken into account, the most important of which are as follows:
Facebook:  und
Twitter:, opt out:

Social media services and data protection

Communication on social media channels

As part of marketing measures, customer loyalty and customer service, communication and possibly data exchange also takes place on various social networks, such as our Facebook pages. Here, too, the data protection regulations of the respective channels apply (see above for details). In the interests of your data protection, we ask you not to send us any sensitive data within these channels (e.g. as a comment), as we have no influence on how the individual networks handle this data. Instead, we will be happy to contact you directly by email or telephone. Share information about you and your request (e.g. name, contact details, etc.) with us within the social networks that is relevant to us and our business activities (e.g. for contacting and initiating a customer relationship, support requests, etc.).

Business-related data processing

As part of our business activities, we also process data that is necessary for smooth cooperation with our customers and our services. The data is also used for internal purposes (evaluations, assessments, marketing purposes, service, customer care, etc.). This also includes processing in the context of order management, organization, accounting and for archiving purposes.

Last updated: June 2024